A STORY for Introverts:
Haunted house, anyone? Maybe that’s not where you expected me to lead you on a blog for introverts. Even most extroverts I know wouldn’t be caught dead visiting a haunted house alone. Let me put it this way: if you can brave “NYC’s Scariest Haunted House” alone, then everything else should be a walk in the park.
I fully expect you to roll your eyes at me collectively, but if my leap of courage can nudge a single introvert into trying something new and scary this Halloween, I’ve done my job. And that was my real motivation for this adventure. I’ve shared plenty of safe activities, but to truly experience the world through the eyes of an extrovert (just sometimes, no need to give up the pleasures of home completely), you must step out of your comfort zone. Lucky for you, I took the step first.
My nerves rattled before I even bought my ticket, and they continued for the rest of the day. There was a fleeting moment on the train ride there when I felt a rush of excitement, but it faded just as fast. I kept digging through the quicksand in my stomach to find it again. By the time I stood outside the small door on Mulberry Street, my body was in such conflict with itself that my brain had to turn off all the noise. Sandwiched between a gift shop and some fancy costume store in the midst of Little Italy, I preoccupied myself with the smell of bread baking and the rush of tourists.
There were two lines, one for general admission and one for VIP. I paid a little extra to stand in that VIP line for one reason: the shot before entering. Who knows what was in that shot? I downed it faster than you can say BOO! I just needed a soft filter over the terrifying clowns and chainsaws. Sadly, the sweet shot of fruit juice didn’t hit until an hour later.
Whether or not you think it defeats the purpose or ruins the experience, they enforce group entry. That means I showed up alone but went through the haunted house with a group of strangers. So, there you have it; you can tell your friends you went to a haunted house alone to sound like such a badass when in truth, you still had someone’s hand to squeeze during the scariest bits.

To avoid spoilers, I only snapped two photos (both of the front door from different angles, like a confused dad with new technology), and I won’t share any details that might give away what visitors will experience. Yes, that makes my story hard to share. What I will tell you is how I felt when I eventually got both feet back on Mulberry Street. My first reaction was surprise. That might’ve been the shortest haunted house I’ve ever been through. My second reaction was relief. Thank God that was the shortest haunted house I’ve ever been through! I knowingly put myself in that position and committed to it, but I was so grateful it was over. It was perfect for my dumb/brave ass.
Just-So-You-Know DETAILS:
On Instagram, @nybucketlist has dubbed this “NYC’s Scariest Haunted House Maze.” The Madhouse’s page claims it’s the only boozy haunted house in NYC. Without visiting more haunted houses this year, I can’t confirm or deny either of these. Does that mean I have more unnerving solo trips this season? Only if y’all insist.
The GIST – Should You Visit Madhouse on Mulberry?
This was only fun for me because I went alone. Again, no spoilers, but the scare level rested around a five or six, and that was riding the adrenaline I came in with. It was partly my fault since my natural reaction to scary stuff is to close my eyes and look away, and I was glued to the back of my group’s train, so all the scares went to the leader. Still, I would’ve enjoyed a few more jumps. But only a few! My heart nearly pounded out of my chest by the time I reached the exit, so for a solo adventure, I’m calling this one a big win.
Originally published on October 12, 2022.
Follow New York Bucket List here to stay updated on the most anticipated haunted houses of the year.
Want a softer kind of spooky? Enjoy my post on the Halloween Dog Parade.
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