Wonders on Mars
About Wonders on Mars

About Wonders on Mars

Why is WONDERS ON MARS for introverts?

Wonders on Mars is a blog for introverts. The kind of introvert who likes to engage with the world on their own terms. Do you find yourself wishing you could attend social activities by yourself without feeling awkward? Or go places that typically host groups, but as an individual? Even introverts get an itch for adventure, so I’m here to take the leap first.

Big cities offer countless activities, and introverts should have as much access to them as extroverts. Haunted houses and expansive dance floors don’t scare me (I’m hyping myself up, of course they scare me). I’ll visit the best places in any city by myself and report back here, so you can choose if that spot is where you’ll start your introverted adventures. Sometimes I’ll visit an introvert’s go-to hotspot, like a bookstore, and sometimes I’ll visit an introvert’s worst nightmare, like a club with the exact number of people in it to make it the most uncomfortable.

Even extroverts can take away something. If you already fly from one engagement to the next panic-free, then this blog offers unexpected stops along your route.

About your AUTHOR

Hello, I’m Stevie. I’m an omnivert, which means I’m either introverted or extroverted at any given time. This makes me the perfect test subject. My extrovert wants to do fun things and make friends, and my introvert wants to stay home and read. My extrovert gives me the courage to leave the house so introverts don’t have to first, and my introvert gives me the perspective of someone who only partly wants to be here.

I’ve lived in New York City and Denver, both cities with plenty to do, and being a travel nut means no city escapes my list of potential stories. I’m on the cusp of Taurus and Gemini, which means I love cozy and educational things. You might find a lot of museums on here, but you might find skydiving and karaoke too. I have a degree in Creative Writing and English, so I like to serve up my posts as vivid stories you can engage with, and please, feel free to engage!

Visit my Instagram here.

Read the latest blog here.

Stevie Aldrich has a cat named Pollock and friends with various names. She loves Fleetwood Mac (duh), but hates bacon. She hopes you’ll still read on despite that part about the bacon.